Renaming parts of the assembly.
So I promised this last week, but I’ve been busy on a new project. Below is some code that shows renaming of methods. This is a solution to renaming classes within namespaces. It iterates over each namespace renaming classes from class1 -> classN. This is more useful for human readability and tracing logic. I leave it as an exercise to the reader to figure out how to rename other parts of the assembly. But hey if you really need it an get stuck, let me know!
I’ll be posting a tool at some point that does all these different actions for you. Hopefully I’ll have a early release out by mid next month. I’m currently learning WPF well enough to build in visulalizations of the control flow graph. That way after a mutator is applied you can visually see the results.
There is a dictionary in the mutator class that uses the namespace string as a key in order to know which class # i left off at. I test on the string length < 2 because the obfuscators I’ve seen that do this trick tend to just rename everything to some obscure unicode code point of length 1. Just a easy stop condition. You can use any stop condition that suits your needs.
public override NamespaceTypeDefinition Visit(NamespaceTypeDefinition namespaceTypeDefinition) { string key = namespaceTypeDefinition.ContainingUnitNamespace.Name.Value; if (!classDict.ContainsKey(key)) { classDict.Add(key, 0); } if (namespaceTypeDefinition.Name.Value.Length < 2) { int i = classDict[key]; namespaceTypeDefinition.Name ="Class{0}", i)); i++; classDict[key] = i; } return base.Visit(namespaceTypeDefinition); } |