One of the common problems we see with many web applications is reliance on ASP.Net sessionID without understanding the security ramifications. ASP.Net provides web developers with a powerful means of tracking user state and identity with very little coding. Rather than creating your own custom authentication cookie, handling the trickiness of forms auth or mapping your cookie to a Windows identity, password policy implementation, not to mention creating server objects to store the state for a given user, does it all for you.
ASP.Net offers two methods of tracking session state- URL or cookie. URL based methods are used in cases where it is expected that some users will have disabled cookies and still need a server-side session to track state. This has become less common as more and more of the web relies on cookies. In addition the URLs look ugly and are considered unacceptableby many usability gurus.
The second method is a cookie sent as a header to the server. This cookie is sent over HTTP or HTTPS and is used by to link an incoming request to the server-side state. So you are running your site on SSL, where is the problem? By default, the SessionID is just a cookie the browser sends it when making any response to the domain. If you go to https://yourapp/application, you will be sent a cookie over SSL that I cannot see. If I e-mail you a link to click for http://yourapp/application, I will see the cookie sent over HTTP as long as your server responds on port 80.
What you want to do is set the 'secure' flag on the cookie. You have many options for doing this: adsutil set w3svc/1/AspKeepSessionIDSecure 1 will tell to mark the session cookie as Secure. When a cookie is marked as secure it will not be sent by the web browser unless the connection to the server is over https. You must be aware that the user will now have no session state if they browse to the site using http your application will need to redirect http requests to https in order to access the session state.
Is the ASP.Net session ID the only cookie I can protect in this way? No. You can use a web.config configuration to customize the security of all your cookies ( You will also be able to set cookies to be HttpOnly which adds its own element of security and is supported by newer browsers.
Finally, you can set both the secure flag and the HttpOnly flag for any other cookies you set programmatically through ASP.Net with
A few other things to remember-
ASP.Net sessions expire after 20 minutes UNLESS a new request is seen. Otherwise they can remain until the server is recycled.
SessionIDs can be reused. When stored as a cookie the sessionID will go to any machine hosting the same parent domain. They will NOT have the server-side state though unless some clustering or back-end logic handles sharing state across servers. If you want to ensure that reuse does not happen, rather than using Session.Abandon you must overwrite the ASP.Net session cookie with an empty cookie value. To properly end a session or force a user to start a new one use Session.Abandon.
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